Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Persona Poems (ENTRY 10)

My initial impression on Lady Macbeth was that she's a really strong woman. The adjectives I use in this poem portray her as a powerful person.

Lady Macbeth
Affectionate, Seductive, Passionate
Intense, Ambitious, Persistence 
and Indestructible
A Spirited Soul
who loves greed, power and manipulation
who detests losers, cowards and failures
who wants to see a true man, 
a successful murder 
and a crown of King
Resident of her own evil
A Lady in red

"Red is the warmest colour of all
but the downside of red is that 
it corresponds with desire, domination, aggression and thirst for action.
Lady Macbeth fits well in red."

After reading the whole story, this is what I think of Lady Macbeth.

Lady Macbeth
As fragile as glass,
As aimless as wind,
Not as happy as expected
A Depressed Soul
who once loved the feelings of success
and the satisfaction gained from power
who once hated no as an answer
who denied her true nature
who now terrified by her own evil,
who wants to get rid of the spot of guilt
and wash away the shame
Resident of guilty conscience
who ends her life without saying goodbye
What a pity Lady in purple 

"Purple is colour of royolty 
but it is also the colour of bruise.
As long as she's alive,
the bruise in Lady Macbeth will never heal.
Only in death 
she frees herself from drowning in purple."

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