Monday, May 7, 2012

Macbeth..?? O.M.G....

When I first get to know about Macbeth is when Miss Dzelfa give the questions for the test. I start to wonder what is Macbeth story actually. At first point when I got the paper I feel so tense. I did not really understand the extract as the word is and old English and I can't understand it. You know what? Sincerely from my heart, at that time, I hate this MACBETH story. I just wonder why is the word is so complicated and hard to understand.

When Miss Dzelfa told us that we need to read MACBETH (the story that I hate) and shoot a short video about the scene, I feel like..... Wow...!!! MACBETH...... I just feel like a storm come into me.. Wuhuhuhu..

When I get into the group with all my groupmates, we devide ourself and read one Act per person. At first, I read the synopsis of the whole story in order to get the idea of what this story about. At this point, I start to slowly understand the story and started to like it. For me, this is a very interesting story to read. 

Then, I read the Act 1 synopsis. I feel that this chapter is interesting as it firstly show the the witches that come and tell   One says that she has just come from “killing swine” and another describes the revenge she has planned upon a sailor whose wife refused to share her chestnuts. Suddenly a drum beats, and the third witch cries that Macbeth is coming. Macbeth and Banquo, on their way to the king’s court at Forres, come upon the witches and shrink in horror at the sight of the old women. Banquo asks whether they are mortal, noting that they don’t seem to be “inhabitants o’ th’ earth”. He also wonders whether they are really women, since they seem to have beards like men.

At this point I have a feeling that this is actually an interesting story. The witches, what they convey to Macbeth and what they actually mean. After I read the simplified version, at last I understand the story. It is all about the power of woman. On how Lady macbeth influence Macbeth action to kill the king inj order to be the new king.

Before I end my writing, I would like to thanks all my groupmates for helping me understand the story and share ideas. Love you all..

That's all from me.. Thank you.. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Shakespeare is so clever to start the play with the witches' scene! It serves to attract the audience/reader to want to know more!
