Sunday, May 6, 2012

MacBeth saved the world

Assalamualaikum and hi...

Sincerely, I do like reading books... but when it comes to this ancient and old English, to be honest, it was very hard for me to open the book and read. You really need the courage to open the book with so many words that you knew you would not understand. But thank God, finally, I opened the book and read. The title of the book is "MACBETH". The first thing that I did, was by telling to myself that I have and must finish at least 1 Act and I'm proud of myself because I could finish it. But the truth is, there is one challenge that I also need to be aware of which is feeling sleepy. 

I read the book even though there are a few words that I could not understand, but I continued the reading. Unfortunately, after scene three and before I enter scene four, I collapsed. But still, with determination in me, I woke up and fresh up myself and read the book again and finally, I finished the first Act. 

When I was reading, even though there were a few words that I could not understand, I think I can manage to understand what is actually happened. With the prior knowledge that I have, I managed to get the gist or the idea of each scene that I've read. Well, at least I've tried. Furthermore, I've already discussed with my group mates on each scene in every Act. At least I can relate it with my reading just now. I hope I can continue my reading with the next Act and can finish it before I go back to UPM.

Till then for my next entry for the next Act. =)

Zulaikha Khairuddin (153465)

1 comment:

  1. I think it was easier for me back then because there was no pressure on me to read. I did it on my own free will and ended up with more than what Dr. Jaya (then Mr. Jaya) started us of with!
