Sunday, May 13, 2012


It does help. I would like to share this video... This video is actually the simplified one. But at least for those who are not interested to read the original version of Macbeth, we can show this video, so that, they get interested to read the original version. Other than that, they also insert humour elements in this video. 

I've shown this video to my group mates and they like it. By watching this video, we also can predict what is going to happen and our reading journey will be more interesting. It summarises all the Acts and Scene in one short video. It is so awesome. That's what I think. They only took the gist and the main message in Macbeth and create the video. I downloaded this video from BBC Literature. At least It can help me a lot in understanding the story. I think that's all for this entry.

Till my next entry.... =)

1 comment:

  1. So this is one of the strategies you used to get somemore understanding of the text. OK!
