Saturday, May 5, 2012


When I first heard of this word ‘Macbeth’, I did not know what that is but I knew it is a very famous thing among those who love literature as I saw their excited reaction towards Macbeth. Since I am not a literature person, ‘Macbeth’ is nothing to me until one day Ms. Dzeelfa mentioned ‘this novel’ then I just knew that it is a novel. Isn’t it ridiculous for a TESL student that does not even know Macbeth? This is so embarrassing!

Even though I already know that I have zero knowledge about Macbeth, still, I have no motivation to Google it and find it out! When I heard this novel is written by William Shakespeare, I have a feeling of ‘this novel must be very difficult to read’ especially when I know HE is the writer. First thing came to my mind was: OH MY GOD! Honestly, I love William Shakespeare in term of his incredible works but I don’t like his language. I don’t dare enough to say ‘I hate him’ as I know ‘I HAVE TO LOVE him’ one day. The language is too old, too deep and too difficult for me to understand. Believe it or not, it is so hard for me to understand even one sentence. What more the whole novel. Before I start writing this post, I have gone through the original text. However, I knew that I won’t stay long with the text. - - - - - - - - - - Bingo!

And now, I need my friend named Google. I searched for the summary and read the brief summary to get the gist of the story first before I go to scene by scene summary. Fortunately, I finished my reading on brief summary at a few different websites such as Shmoop, Sparknotes and Shakespeare. 

Lastly, I fell asleep until the next afternoon.  >,<  

: A picture shows a thousand words :

1 comment:

  1. Hello that is quite a cute commentary of your introduction to THE MAN.

    In the process, record your thoughts and the difficulties that you face and what strategies you used to overcome it.
