Monday, May 7, 2012


  farah nabillah mior yusup (154096)

Assalamualaikum and hello Miss Dzeelfa
First of all, I am so sorry for the late update for this Macbeth thingy…actually this is my first entry for this blog, so I think I shall start with something that relates to my first interpretation / perception about Macbeth. When I first heard about Macbeth, my mind and brain become retarded.  I still remember the first time you asked us to answer some questions on Macbeth when we have our first mid test previously, I think I just mumbling on the answer sheet.  But then, when you slowly introduced it to us what Macbeth is all about, I admit that I begin to have at least something on my mind about it. Actually I never exposed to such classical literature before this. When I entered UPM, slowly I began to learn and to go deeper into such literary works.
I personally think that the idea of answering some questions just like what you have done to us is very good in promoting students to new works. When you ask some questions, actually it makes students like me become more anxious and eager to know what the story is all about. When I read the questions, I become so anxious to know what was really happened in the story… I wonder a lot… why there are so many conflicts in the story… and why it is so complicated? These things bothered me so much and finally, with some efforts, I just googled some information (summary, themes) that related to the story from the internet…
I know I won’t be able to understand the story if I just only read the classical version. So, just like the others, of course I must find the simplified version of Macbeth first in order for me to understand the story well. *And to tell you the truth, I still don’t have the original copy of Macbeth… hopefully, by this weekend, I will have one.. huhu .* When I first read the classical version, I think I was in those classical era… not only for Macbeth, the same situation also happened when I read Oedipus previous semester…. The word, the spelling makes me feel dizzy… hahaha.. that why I need to read the summary in the simplified version first and then only I read the original version… and not to forget, I must have the Longman dictionary by my side when I analyzed it.. Frankly speaking I need a lot of effort in understanding the story well… so, I’ll try my best for it… =)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are no more going through retardation of the brain now that I have dropped hints and discussed a bit with the others in class.

    I hope that you have also gotten yourself a copy of the book.
