Monday, May 7, 2012

I wonder...

Assalamualaikum and hello,

I've read the whole Act 2. The most interesting part in this act when Macbeth killed the King and Lady Macbeth helped him to abolish the evidence or the daggers. What I can say here is, how on earth Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can pretend that both of them were not guilty and there is no guilt at all after they killed the king. They acted as if nothing happened and they acted as if they were sorry for what had happened. In Malay proverbs, we call it, "Talam dua muka" or "Gunting dalam lipatan".

I would like to relate it the reality of life. I think if someone did something wrong or bad things, they could not face the person that they did the wrong with. They could not look into the eyes because they know that they are guilty. But Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, especially Lady Macbeth, I wonder how they can live with the guilt. Might be that they said that they did not feel guilty but for me, deep down in their heart, a little bit of guilt still there. They just pretend not to show the guilt. I also wonder, is there a person or people outside there, can act the way Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? Because if it was me, I could not because I just could not pretend that I didn't do anything. At least, there is a change in our facial expression when someone mention the name or talk about that particular person. I wonder...

Till my next post...=)

1 comment:

  1. Now you can see that no matter how evil the person is, their sins will come to haunt them in the end. They started off as good people, as loyal subjects to the King, and later on with a little push from the "voices" of the imperfect speakers, the wants and desires in them surfaced. This goes to show that each and everyone of us have it in us to want more, but how do we control it?

    Guilt was eating them alive. Guilt drove lady Macbeth crazy (although she was the evil one at first) and guilt led Macbeth to become a greater beast.
