Sunday, May 27, 2012

Assalamualaikum and hello Miss Dzeelfa and friends...
For the first video, my group members chose act 1 scene 7 as our reference.  Actually at first we considered to do from act 1 scene 5 until act 1 scene 7. But then, when we think of the time limitation, then we decide only to act on scene 7.
The reason why we choose this scene is because we think that this scene plays the most important part for the story. This scene emphasizes on how women can influenced their men so badly.  I am a bit confused because I think that women back in those times have no power or right in their life.  They just deserve to be men’s followers. But here, in Macbeth, as reader, I can see how powerful the role played by Lady Macbeth in influencing her husband.  She knew how to influence the husband to follow what she wanted. She even knew how to play with words to trick Macbeth to do the murder.
Actually the important of this scene, is where it shows how weak men can be when they are under women’s control. I think that Macbeth is not a bad person actually. Maybe he is just anxious about the prophecy, but he never think of committing a murder. However, after he had been “psycho” by the wife, then only he got the courage to do so. From this line “he’s here in double trust: first, as I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed; then as his host, who should again his murder shut the door, not bear the knife myself. Besides, this Duncan hath borne his faculties so meek hath been so clear in his great office, that his virtues will plead like angels, trumpet tongued, against...”  it gives me the strong evidence that Macbeth is not really cruel at the first place. Sometimes, I think Macbeth really loves his wife. That’s the reason why he commits all the bad things just to make his wife happy. I don’t know... Well... it is just my interpretation...
Anyway, the recording went quite well with some helps from the outsiders. At first we decided to take Zulaikha and I to act for this scene. Zulaikha will be Macbeth while i will be playing the role of Lady Macbeth... However that night; we changed our plan after we met this cute Chinese guy named Alex. After we heard his slang and the accent, straight away we agreed to make him as our Macbeth. We were very lucky to have Alex in our video recording. He helped us a lot and the recording went pretty good too.  I felt so relief too because i don’t have to memorize those tongue-twisted words... hahaha... for me, I feel that is not really easy to pronounce those “alien” words.  And here, I was really amazed to see how Zulaikha and Alex used the language smoothly that night.
I think that’s all for tonight.. good night Miss Dzeelfa and friends... see you tomorrow .=)

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