Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Making of 'Chincantonese' Witches (ENTRY 9)

Seriously, our first video was really a SERIOUS production. I wonder the audiences in our class except Ms. Dzeelfa understood those lines being uttered by our actors. I love scene 7 a lot. I appreciate the language especially the lines from Lady Macbeth. I'm quite a serious person myself. So, I have no problem with 'serious' stuffs. I guess our group lacks creativity as compared to other groups. We could have thought of something else to make it more interesting. Not many will appreciate 'serious' production. A comedic way of doing the videos is always more acceptable. To conform or not, I guess it's pretty clear that our group has chosen the less taken road. Thanks Ms. Dzeelfa for giving us high mark despite the fact that we did it in a more theatrical way!

But for second video, the idea of using our own mother tongue/dialect to act out the scenes from Macbeth alone is already very hilarious. The reason I suggested to use Cantonese instead of Mandarin is because Emily and Shiau Yin both speak Cantonese in a way that I will say it's unique. They were not exposed to Cantonese but they learned through watching Hong Kong series. Because I know Cantonese, I think they really sound very funny and I actually imitate the way they speak..Haha! By the way, it's Malaysian Cantonese not Hong Kong!

I was the one who translated the text into Cantonese. I only translated scene 1 from Act 1. We are going to shoot only one scene. Both of them have problem in pronouncing the words but not serious one. We all need some practices before the real shooting. I did face problem in translating too, even though I have no problem in using the language in daily conversation. I took the modern translation(English) in No Fear Shakespeare, SparkNote and translated it into Mandarin in Google Translate knowing the fact that its translation has errors but it sped up the translation job. From Mandarin, I translated it into Cantonese by typing out the 'pin yin' which is the way we pronounce the words.

Emily bought red cloths which will be our attires. Shiau Yin being herself will think of ways to make us look nicer with the cloths. I will leave that for them. For our make up, we may want to ask help from Zara or we will do it ourselves. We did look through some pictures of Chinese opera singers. In terms of music, we may use utensils to produce the sound or we make the sound ourselves!

We recorded the 'floating' and 'flying' red cloth. It's going to be the background when we introduce the scene and also in the credits.

The next thing is PRACTICE!

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