Saturday, May 12, 2012


 farah nabillah mior yusup (154096)

Last week u had shown us some of the videos on Macbeth produced by seniors. I was totally amazed to see how awesome the videos were. Some of the videos were very funny especially the one entitled “Mat Best” from Asyraff group. I can see how creative they were in adapting their storyline and I was really amazed to see every group really know how to make a good storyline based on Macbeth.
I personally think that making the video based on our interpretation is more difficult compare to the original version. This is because not only we have to understand the story well, but we also have to adapt it with our own interpretation without making the idea out of the original version. However, it can be interesting and challenging too because they can come out with any story line that they like. If they have the idea, it is only a matter of fact on how they should adapt it according to the original version of Macbeth.
For this task, my group will be choosing some scenes in act 1. We already made brief discussion about it and maybe tomorrow we could start with the storyboard. I guess that’s all for tonight. Will update again soon. =)

1 comment:

  1. They were able to come up with the interpretation because I went through the whole text with them. They had a lot of practice and discussions with me. With you all it's the other way around, you read first on your own and I will read the text with you at the end.

    I'm glad looking at videos has helped you to understand Macbeth more.
