Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Met Lady Macbeth in My Shower (ENTRY 6)

Lady Macbeth...Lady Macbeth...Lady Macbeth...Lady Macbeth? Lady Macbeth?! Lady Macbeth??!! WHY Lady Macbeth? Is that even a name? Why not Angelique? An angel in disguise perhaps or some other names. Angelique came into my mind because I watched Dark Shadow and Angelique is a witch. Does she even have an identity?

The thought of Lady Macbeth has no identity came when I was showering. I met her? Of course! She was there looking at me and I was rude for not saying hi. I was too busy thinking of what adjectives I should use to describe her for my persona poem. I planned to have 2 poems for her. An initial impression when I started reading and after reading Macbeth. The thought was too strong that I saw her image. The next time I meet her I will say thank you. She made me forget that I'm injured and showering is a hell for me.

Today, Sharmila asked whether I read word by word. Oh no! I'm selective or even picky. I go to both extreme ends. It's either I'm very interested or I don't care to know it at all. That's the problem. I couldn't even recall the settings when I was answering the post- test. I found out that I totally ignored the settings and I claimed I did close reading at least for Act 1 and Act 2. I have never noticed the settings even when they are stated.

There is another problem. Now that I go through the whole book, I'm pretty lazy to do some close reading for other acts.

When we went through the text in the class, I forgot many lines that I have read. Not surprising, I'm not familiar with the language. Even lines that I claimed I like, I still did not manage to remember. The furthest I can go is the meaning of the lines.

Lady Macbeth has identity crisis! She is a woman but she wishes to be man to be able to carry out evil plans. She probably does not like who she is in nature. She ends up going crazy showing her incapability to be the identity she wants and also fail to be herself. It's just my opinion..I have not referred to any references yet..she's not given proper name is probably to show that she has no identity...wishes to have one...fails to have one...hmmmm

So, my next thought is... Greed is the catalyst that leads and blinds us in believing we are capable of having another identity?

Written by Sammy

Shower was great with Lady Macbeth.

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