Friday, May 25, 2012

Full of Enthusiasm (2)

Today I am so motivated to write about Macbeth after I had discussion with my group members regarding our Major Assignment 2. But before that, I would like to apologize for having a ‘long vacation’ and ignore Macbeth for 20 days. Actually I don’t really ignore Macbeth until last week where I had to put it aside to finish other assignments. In all these while, I jotted down everything when I gone through Macbeth and I realized that I was too picky when I read the original text. Huh…Never mind. Forget about this first. I will talk about this in my next entry because I want to express my feeling towards our video discussion and preparation in this entry.  :)

Shiau Yin, Sam, and I met for video discussion just now. As assigned by Ms Dzeelfa, we have to do on any witches’ scene in Chinese. It was the greatest discussion I ever had on Macbeth. Firstly, Sam and I discussed about the translation name of Macbeth. Normally in Mandarin, people translate their names according to the nearest sound of the original names. So for Macbeth, we tried several names which sound very funny. I thought of McDonald’s when we were creating the name. In Mandarin, ‘McDonald’s’ is ‘mai – dang – lao’. So for Macbeth, I suggested ‘mai’ for ‘Mac’ and Sam suggested ‘bu’ for ‘beth’. ‘mai – bu’ will be the temporary name for Macbeth while we are searching for a better name. Ok…let me search for another name.

I’m back. Yeay! I found another name for Macbeth! It’s ‘mai – ke – bai’. I found this at , an English – Chinese online dictionary. ‘mai – ke – bai’ really sounds better. My group-mates don’t know about this yet and tomorrow I am going to tell them this new name. Wahhh…so excited! I think this name is more suitable since it is recognized in the dictionary. 

Oh no…it’s 4.53am! No wonder I am so sleepy and could not think of my next point. Hahaha…I think that’s all for today. I shall continue this tomorrow. Good night everyone! Sweet dream!     

~ Emily Yoong Ai Nee (154565) ~ Entry 2 ~

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