Sunday, June 3, 2012

Video 1 vs. Video 2 (7)

Hi ~

Well…well…there are differences in making these 2 videos. Let’s talk about my views to the first video.

There are only 2 characters in the scene that we chose which are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 7. At the very beginning, we have decided to let Fara to be Lady Macbeth while Zue will be Macbeth. Lastly when Alex joined us, he agreed to help us when I asked for his help even though he was busy with his Final Year Project at the moment. 

When Zue and Alex were practising the dialogue, I sat beside them and listened to them. I have finished reading Act 1 and I could comprehend what they were trying to say and do. What made me feel bored was the time when we started shooting. My job was to click, click, and click down arrow key when they were having conversation until the end of the scene. Yeah…even though I knew what they were talking about but sometimes I felt old English is very alien to me. Hmmm… How to explain my feeling? ……………. It’s like this. I know the story line of the scene but when Zue and Alex talked to each other, I felt like I knew nothing about the story. The story just didn’t synchronize to my brain. It was like I never read the novel. I would describe it as when a duck talks to a horse.  =.=

            Let’s move to the second video. Yeah! Finally I acted in this video! I was one of the characters – the third witch. We (Shiau Yin, Sam and I) had to do Macbeth in Chinese but we changed to Cantonese as I mentioned in previous entry. Even though Cantonese is my daily dialect but I could understand Cantonese more than Old English! I learn Cantonese from watching Hong Kong movies. But I never watch movies in Old English. Cantonese is almost like Mandarin. When I read the translated text in Mandarin, I really know and understand what Shakespeare is trying to tell me! Hooray! Lastly our antennas set to the same frequency! When I fully understand the story in Mandarin (only Act 1 Scene 1 okay), I was like almost crazy and I kept singing ‘I love you, you love me, we are happy family……’ Hahahaha… Now I know. I was almost crazy until I thought of to translate the whole story in Mandarin. This is insane! Hhmmm…now I have an idea. Maybe now I don’t have enough to translate in Google Translate and correct the sentences. But ONE DAY…ONE DAY when I really free and have nothing to do then I’ll consider doing that. I really want to know the whole story in detailed. By just listening to others’ explanation and read the analysis online, it is not enough for me. I know Macbeth is a great and an interesting story. As Ms Dzeelfa said before, if we know and read more about classic novels, our ‘saham’ will be a little higher if compared to the others.

It is so obvious that second video gave me impact in reading Macbeth because I love to read when I understand the story. I can understand the story better and it is easier for me to comprehend with the language or dialect that I exposed to and familiar with. Looking forward to read Macbeth in Mandarin. Hahahaha… Who wants to be the first to publish Macbeth in Mandarin???         

 ~ Emily Yoong Ai Nee ~ 154565 ~ Entry 7 ~

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