Saturday, June 2, 2012

5 East Coast + 1 North Coast ^_^ (8th)

Hello, hello, hello.....

This is my second post for today. Well, now, I would like to talk about the making of video. In the making of this video, we seriously laughed a lot...... We divides the characters according to the dialect that we familiar with. Zara, Fatin and I are familiar with Terengganu dialect (two lords + one murderer), Farah, she's alone, from Kedah, (Banquo/Ghost) and last but not least, Nik and Nadia are familiar with Kelantan dialect, (Macbeth and Lady Macbeth). Even though Nadia is from Terengganu, she is actually from Besut, the boundary of Terengganu and Kelantan. That's all for the introduction.

We were asked to do this scene, Banquet scene, Act 3 Scene 4 if I'm not mistaken. I'll check after this. 

For me, this video project is a very successful one. Even though there were a few of problems occurred but not very big one. For this scene, the persons that I think very outstanding are Nik and Nadia and it was a very good decision assigning them as Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. We all know both of them were very timid and shy and don't really speak in class. But after watching the video, I'm impressed with their acting. Both of them were very marvellous. They tried so hard to make sure this video was a successful one. 

The problem was their lines or dialogue was very long. So, it was a bit difficult for them to memorise the lines. So, in order to encounter this problem, we had to take shots one by one and very short shots. We just combined it and put the transitions, so that it won't be awkward. We really do enjoy doing this video. All of us were very comfortable acting because we were using our own dialect and we do not have to think much on the pronunciation of the Old English. Hahahaha..... =D

The very big problem that occurred on the presentation day was Zara's Movie Maker crashed. Pity her. I edit the video earlier because I've learnt from the previous lesson. But I really do not know how to put the subtitles. I've asked her to do so. I've translated all the dialogues. But, what to do..... We always need to prepare for the worst and that's what I've learnt from this assignment.....While editing the video or typing the assignments, always, always, always save first.... At least, if there was blackout, we do not have to do it all over again. 

But seriously, when I read message from Zara, I was speechless and felt like I want to cry. Ii was a very tiring night. But I thank to Miss Dzeelfa for always being a very understanding lecturer..... Thank you so much. 

I also would like to thank all my group members in this video project for being very helpful and working  very hard. 

p/s: Thank God that half of the class manage to understand the video....and so sorry to those who do not understand...... =)

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