Sunday, June 3, 2012

May I? =)

Hello and a very good evening.....

Well, before we reach 11.59pm, 3rd June 2012, let's put up one more entry....

In this entry, I would like to share my experiences from the beginning until the end, if it has the ending....'hope not'....still want to continue reading Shakespeare's works......

At first, I sincerely think, learning Macbeth would be very boring.....but my prediction was totally wrong......definitely and absolutely wrong..... I found that learning Macbeth is very very very very awesome and interesting........ =)

In doing the two videos, I do really enjoy and seriously it makes me understand better and at least we read the book.... =) 

My personal opinion about Shakespeare's works, they are marvellous..... This is my opinion after I read Macbeth....Finally I understand about his works....It's actually about the journey of life and ups and downs that every human being will face or already faced. The reason why I don't really like Shakespeare's works is because I don't like to read Old English. I say this because I do really like to read books and there are so many books that I bought but haven't have time to read them yet......I do really like to read..... =) 

So, Old English is a NO NO...but for the sake of my subject, I have too..... =) 

Once again I would like to thank Miss Dzeelfa for introducing me this book, at least I can tell people that I've read Macbeth.... 'brag a little bit'............... hahahahahhahahaha......

Well, I think that's all, I hope I can learn more through literature.... =) 

These are the Shakespeare's works that I know.....

Romeo and Juliet
Hamlet (haven't read it yet)
King Lear (haven't read it yet)
Measure For Measure

p/s: May I post more entries here....just to share what's in my thoughts..... =)

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