Sunday, June 3, 2012

#6th ENTRY#
Assalamualaikum and good evening peeps..

Hmm... This time around, I would like to share some thoughts related to the boy’s first video *the scene where we thought Najmi was a horse* (-_-“)... personally, I think the boys had done good job for their video...the other groups also did quite well... with the costumes and some make up on their faces, the videos were totally awesome...  but here, I would like to focus more on the boy’s video since they have something that caught my attention towards their video that day.
Actually, when the first time I watched it, I laughed out loud to see them acted as the murderers... it is like watching a Tamil movie you know, where we have all the gangsters were on their way to attack the hero... hahaha.. * I am a big fan of Tamil movies*... but then, when I analysed back the videos, I think they have done  a very, very, very good job by putting some Scottish elements in their video... me myself never thought of doing that in the first video...
I was amazed to see how the boys could came out with their ideas in producing the video... if I’m not mistaken; they were the only group who have the Scottish elements in their video... they got the background music, the sound of the bagpipe, and even they got “kain pelikat” which were being used as their kilt... yes.. They have all the ideas but because of time constraint, and some of the technical problems, the video looked a bit lack... the same problems happened to the other group also..Maybe if we’re not running out of time, we might polished our first videos and make them better.. never mind...
Talking about the Scottish kilt just now, I just want to share some of my experience with it... before this, I never heard about this kilt thingy... but after I watched a romantic comedy movie entitle “Made of Honor”, then only I know that the thick skirt worn by a wealthy Scot named Collin McMurray, who came from a Duke family, is actually a kilt! Actually there was a scene where Collin and Tom were competing with each other in some of the Scottish traditional games... *by the way, it was a traditional game in which the groom must compete to prove that he is worth for his bride*... in this scene all of the men were wearing the kilt to show the Scottish’s culture... yes.. That is the first time I heard about the kilt... And when the boy’s group wore “kain pelikat”, I know that it actually symbolized the kilt.... but I am not sure whether kilt is only worn by the Duke family...hmmm....

this is the movie "Made of Honor" =)

oh, this is not Collin... this is Tom a.k.a my handsome Patrick Dempsey 

Tom and Collin in the mood of tossing the tree..=)
  and last but not least......

little boy with the bagpipe and kilt.. cute isn't it ? hehe..

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