Saturday, June 2, 2012

That’s How I Read Macbeth (4)

I’m back! Hellooo ~

As I promised in my second entry, now, I’m going to talk about how picky I was when I read Macbeth original text. So, this is what I wrote in my second entry: “I jotted down everything when I gone through Macbeth and I realized that I was too picky when I read the original text.” Okay…Hhmmm…How to start my story???
          Actually this post should be posted on 9th May 2012 but since I have no time to post, I jotted down my points and plan to post it later. And yeah…lastly I manage to post this! I started to read Act 1 Scene 1, the very first scene in the novel. 3 weird sisters start the story. The story was quite interesting but I did not know some of the words such as hurly-burly, ere, and anon. I looked up dictionary for the meaning of the words. Some people will just continue reading even though they don’t know the meaning of the words because they don’t want to be distracted. As for me, I could not continue reading if I don’t know the meaning of the words. I will feel unsatisfied until I know it. I know this way of reading is not encouraged. Huhu…
          Then I entered Scene 2. As usual, I read while looking up dictionary. Continue with Scene 3 and Scene 4. Then, I started to have a feeling of “Oh no…what did you write Shakespeare? Are you trying to kill me?” Honestly, when I read Macbeth, I can feel the heaviest stone is in my heart. I can’t breathe when I read it! It’s so difficult! I read some scenes until I fell asleep! Some scenes are so boring. I could not ‘stick’ to the text for only 5 minutes!
         Lastly, I chose the interesting scenes to read ONLY. If the scene in the original text gives me a sense of excitement, then I’ll continue reading. Otherwise, I only read the analysis in SparkNotes to get the idea of the particular scene. Mostly I skipped the fighting part or about war.

That’s all for this entry. =) 

~ Emily Yoong Ai Nee ~ 154565 ~ Entry 4 ~

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