Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Frustration (7th)

Assalamualaikum and hello....

Well, it's being a while I did not post here. Before I rumbling here and there, let's focus and back to the business....

Actually, for me the first video that we presented was very frustrating...I don't know about my other group members...But for me it was embarrassing. I should start to do the editing part earlier but I didn't.....And maybe the frustration was actually I myself. By saying that I have so many works to do, like everybody don't. What I've learnt from this first video project is I should know the better way how to manage my time because I am a last minute person..... =(  I hope I can change bits by bits to be better person in managing my time....Hopefully.... =)

Enough of the frustration....

Now, let's talk about how did we shoot the video.....We chose Act 1 Scene 7, I would like to thank to my group members, Emily, Fara, Wawa and Sammy for always supporting each other in the making of this video..... =) And not to forget to Emily's boyfriend, Ah Jun and his friend Alex for helping us in the shooting and for becoming one of the actors....I know this scene is very intense and we cannot alter it to make it funny and put some humour....if not it will destroy the purity of this scene. 

Why did we choose this scene? 

We chose this scene because we want to show that how significant Lady Macbeth in Macbeth's life. How can Lady Macbeth exploit, manipulate, persuade and influence Macbeth? So, we would like to reflect this role into the reality and into our lives. We all do know how important and significant a woman in a man's life. So, from this scene we would like to focus and emphasise on this issue. I hope that we conveyed the message clearly... "not sure". 

Nuff Said

p/s: The video that I'd posted previously, is actually from BBC Channel. =)

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