Sunday, June 3, 2012

#9th ENTRY#

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

I want to give my opinions on how I have learnt Macbeth from this class... I start from zero... I only knew that Macbeth is a masterpiece of Shakespeare... I still remember when the first time you gave questions on Macbeth, I just wrote anything that came to my mind... but through some class discussions we have done together, finally I managed to understand what the story is all about...
I personally really like the way you made the discussion with us... you went through story line by line to make sure we understand even assigned us to do the video and you showed us some videos too... I love the way you guide us in understanding the story... I love the way you give us the opportunity to express our own interpretations and thoughts... I love the way you let us explore thing using technology and outdoor activities... and now... though I haven’t finish my reading yet... I still could comprehend the story and even could share my opinion about it...
And the idea of giving us some questions on Macbeth is good to attract students like me to the story... I don’t understand what the story but when you do that I have to admit that I feel  a bit anxious to know about the first I even thought that Macbeth is a name of a woman...and I thought that Lady Macbeth and Macbeth is actually the same person...but now, Alhamdulillah I knew the story already... thank you so much, miss dzeelfa..=)

me = for the first time heard of Macbeth

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