Saturday, June 2, 2012

Do I feel sorry to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth?? (Entry 9)

After finish studying Macbeth, I do not feel sympathy towards Macbeth and Lady Macbeth at all.
Macbeth, he as a man should be more firm and do not agree with her wife's idea to kill Banquo. He himself know that Banquo is a good King and he deserve to be the King. Macbeth should think wisely and shouldn't let his wife influence him. Yes... Sometimes I feel that he is ego. Man.... Always with egoistic. He want to prove to his wife that he can do everything as he is a man.. 

As for Lady Macbeth, as I said in my persona poem, she is the residence of hell. She will do anything in order to get the power. She even plan on how to kill the king. 

At the end when she is so tense and feel guilty due to her own sin, I did not sympathize her at all. She deserve it.. Just go to hell Lady Macbeth.....!!!!


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