Sunday, June 3, 2012

#10th ENTRY#

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Last week, you had asked us whether we still want to continue reading Shakespeare’s after we finish all this. My answer is YES... I will * in the future, if I have enough time, it will be my pleasure to read another books written by him*...
As what you’ve told us, the themes or issues in his works are the issues that we are still dealing with until today... I think, at this moment I already studied two of his woks which are “Measure for Measure” and also “Macbeth”... Both plays emphasized heavy issues even though they were written many years ago, but nowadays we still facing the same issues and problems....that’s the magic of his works actually...
From these two plays, I gained and learnt lots of things. The message that had been brought really taught me what life is all about... sometimes we are chasing something that is not meant to be ours...sometimes; we were being stabbed in the back by someone that we love the most... and sometimes, we thought that we have everything in this world, but actually we have nothing... but that is what we called life...

I think, next time I would like to read this one also....



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