Sunday, June 3, 2012

#8th ENTRY#
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
Ok... Now... We move on to the next part...hehehe.. Are u ready... ? =b... ok.. This time around i want to put my attention on act 2, scene 3... I was searching for the interesting scenes, and I found  that this scene is very attractive to me... in this scene, we were being exposed to the fact that Duncan’s sons are trying to escape from Scotland after the murder...Malcolm is going to England while Donalbain is heading to Ireland to safe their own life.
When I knew this in our class discussion previously, one thing straight away pop up in my mind is the history our Kesultanan Melayu Melaka... what had happened in Macbeth is quite similar to what had happened in the history of Kesultanan Melayu Melaka in 1511... As far as what i still remembered, when Melaka was under Sultan Mahmud’s rules, it was being attacked by the Portuguese. Sultan Mahmud ran away to Kampar, while his sons Sultan Muzaffar I and Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah II were also escaping from Melaka to safe their life... Sultan Muzaffar went to Perak meanwhile his brother, Sultan Alaudin went to Johor to start a new life and settle down there... what happed to Malcolm and Donalbain is quite similar with our Melayu Malaka’s history...*please correct me if I’m wrong”... the only different part that I’ve detected  here is Malcolm and Donalbain escaped because of their father is being killed, but Sultan Muzaffar and Sultan Alauddin escaped because their father’s territory was being attacked by the Portuguese... oh..i was referring to this link as i’m doing this entry :

King Duncan's sons...

 In this scene, there was meaning words from Donaldbain to his brother...

“To Ireland, I: Our separated fortune Shall keep us both the safer: Where we are, there’s daggers in men’s smiles; The near in blood, The nearer bloody.”

What can i interpret here is even though the person is our close relatives, but that doesn’t guarantee that he/she will not do bad thing to us... the close we are, the danger it will be... because normally the people that close to us, that we trust the most ,will be the traitor. 

So... Moral of the story... beware people... =)


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