Sunday, June 3, 2012

#7th ENTRY#
assalamualaikum and good evening guys...
Of course there are lots of differences in making the first and the second video... to be frank; i enjoy doing the second video more than the first one...for the first video, since have to act as same as what is written in the book, the actors need to use those tongue twister words to communicate with each other... we really need to put a lot of efforts for the first video where some of the actors even have to memorize the “bombastic” words... and then, every scene need to be taken for many times because sometimes the actors forgot their words... luckily, our group we have Zulaikha and Alex... both of them managed to memorize their part very well.. oh ya.. For the first video it is quite difficult because we only have little prior knowledge about the play... I don’t know about other, but me myself, I feel so hard to understand the words used in the play...
But then, when it comes to the second video, I feel immensely relieved compare to the first one. There are lot of factors contribute to that feeling actually where, in this stage, for the second video, we have got much more prior knowledge about the story through some discussion that we have done. Secondly, the second video is more to our interpretations of the story...we may act differently from the original storyline as long as the idea is there... but, the most important factor that help in making the second video way easy than the first video is the language that we used, which is the language that we are so familiar with...
For the second video, I was assigned to be in the group of the Pantai Timur girls’ group... it is not difficult to work with them because I already familiar with their dialect... i feel happy to be in the same group with the pantai timur girls because this group is the only group that have the variety dialects... Nadiya and Nik were using the Kelantanese dialect, Zulaikha, Zara and Fatin were using their Terengganu dialect and I was using my Kedahan dialect...  before we make the recording work, we practiced our own part first... all of us were laughing like crazy when we practiced the dialogue on our own dialect... i still remember i cannot look at Zulaikha’s face... because i cannot stand hearing her funny dialect with her poker face... so do the others.. We were laughing at each other non-stop that night.... but that was an awesome experiences i ever had with them...and to be honest, i was happy to see Nadiya in a very confident way, acted out her part as Macbeth...=)

hahaha.. this is cute and funny...

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