Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Personal Growth (ENTRY 11)

Things gained by evil do not last forever. Queen Ravenna gains her power through dark magic is at last defeated by Snow White who uses her pure and sincere heart to gain trust. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth lose their life for the name of power. Is it worth? Sincerity is the key. "No matter what you do, do it sincerely. Rewards will come eventually." This is what I always believe. Those characters want to gain power in a rush, greed becomes their master and leads them to evil. Greed is in everyone of us, but whether to let him dictates our actions is really up to us. In the process of learning about Macbeth, I do it sincerely and the reward I gain cannot be measured. Like any other literature courses, I always put my sincere thoughts. Blog writing really works for me. The book costs me RM7.90. I spent RM7.90 for a whole new insight about life. It's definitely worth my time than copying some other works. When I read my own writing, I always feel surprised with my own thoughts.

"The test of the teacher's success in teaching literature is the extent to which students carry with them beyond the classroom enjoyment and love for literature which is renewed as they continue to engage with literature throughout their lives." (Carter and Long, 1991)

I am one of them. I am one of them that enjoy and love literature beyond the classroom. So, don't stop hoping and don't stop giving! I know some lecturers have really bad impression on us and they start to give up on us. But when they give up, they give up on me too. There's always someone in the class who is eager to learn and wants to be inspired. I don't know how and why I love literature. I started it bad. I was freaking out in literature classes. All I could think of was this, "I can never score in literature." Enjoyment? Definitely, I did not enjoy. I could never relate anything. What I had it's fear. Things started to change when I had to take poem and novel classes with Puan Ju. But until today I still don't know how I survived in both classes and fell in love with literature. Blog writing was one of them. We were also asked to write essays based on the relationships of the characters or the themes in the novel. I remembered the first assignment was an essay on Great Expectation by Charled Dickens. I chose to write about father and son relationship between the characters called Magwitch and Pip. I scored well. And I started to realise probably putting my sincere thoughts worked. Again, the key word is sincerity.  I was better in poems back then and not so much into novels but good that I was exposed to both. I spent my last RM50 voucher for classic novels! And in this semester, add one more to my list, Shakespeare's work! The reason I bought Macbeth, clearly because I was asked to. I bought it with the voucher and I did not want to buy another work from Shakespeare. But now, I'm going to buy Hamlet. It's RM7.90 only!

It's weird for someone like me that wasn't exposed to any piece of literature work buying more classic works which by comparison are more difficult to comprehend than contemporary works. I only have one contemporary work which is written by Dina Zaman. It doesn't matter classic or contemporary, what I gain from literature classes is that I started reading. It's what I did not have when I first came into TESL UPM. Now, when I go into bookstores, I can't stop myself from buying books. I'm going to buy Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll too. It's potentially suitable for young adults. This is what I always have in mind after taking material class. I look for books that have potential to attract young people. Roald Dahl's classic books will be my collection too!

Passion + Sincerity + Hard work is the formula.

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