Sunday, June 3, 2012

Almost.... (10th)

Well, finally I'm on my way to my 10th entry.... =)

I've been reading Macbeth since Miss Dzeelfa introduced it to us. I've been looking at the book since my diploma years on my sister's bookshelf and never thought that I would read it. Personally, I don't like literature at all until I came to UPM and been introduced literature to me and let me look at it in different perspective. 

Literature is not boring but damn awesome and it is FUN~!!!!!!!!!!

I am actually almost done reading Macbeth. Currently, I am reading Act 5 Scene 8. I already know the ending but still I want to finish it for my pleasure and I am kind of person that don't like to just stop in the middle, Malay proverb says, "Alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biar sampai ke pangkal lengan". 

In Act 5, Macbeth is actually will come to an end which is he will die. I was very sad actually because I thin, personally, Macbeth is a very good person and he has a very good personality. But the one that makes him did all the dirty things is Lady Macbeth. I say this because when King Duncan came to his house to celebrate and thank him for winning the battle, he actually felt guilty. But because Lady Macbeth incited him, he suddenly changed and continued with his plan. I was a bit frustrated with his decision. For me,  a man need to be firm and had his own goal and stance in order to be a man and he must know what is right and what is wrong. Although, a woman plays an important role in a man's life, the man himself need to know who he is and know how to make the best decision for both side. In this act, Lady Macbeth and macbeth, both of them died. I was a tragedy. I can relate this situation to 'Sehidup, Semati' quote. Hahahahaha...... 

I hope I can finish this book before finals. I really do enjoy learning Macbeth because from Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, I am actually learning about myself. I also learn through other characters. Sometimes, through reading story books, novel and whatsoever reading materials, it is good to reflect ourselves and that is what I always do. 

Literature is actually the story of human life. The writers change it into stories because they don't want people to get mad or react angrily. By putting it into written form, people will admit their faults or reflect into themselves calmly. That is what I think. I don't know about others.

I DO LOVE LITERATURE because I can learn a lot not only by reflecting it to myself but also through others' experiences. 

I would like to thank my dear literature's lecturers for giving me this opportunity to learn LITERATURE!! =D

p/s: To my dear Miss Dzeelfa, thank you for introducing Macbeth to us and especially, to me. =)

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