Saturday, June 2, 2012

#4th  ENTRY#
Assalamualaikum and good morning peeps
Actually, before we do our first video recording, everyone in this group was assigned to analyze our own part, and I was given the opportunity to make some “research” on act 3. We need to do that so that each person could present their own interesting part to be selected as the first scene for the first video making… but then, we had decided to choose act 1, scene 7 which showed more significant event for the story.
But now, I would to share some thoughts on act 3. For me, I think this act is the most interesting act from the others. In this act, we can see how Banqou was being murdered (act 3, scene 3), how Macbeth was being disturbed by the ghost of Banquo (act 3, scene 4), and how the three witches was being scolded by their “captain”, Hecate (act 3, scene 5).
When we discuss that night, I proposed scene from act 3, scene 5 which was the witches’ scene. I think this scene is quite funny where the evil witches were being scolded by their “boss”. What can I see in this scene is although they are evil and cunning, but when it comes to deal with Hecate, they will be such obey follower to her…still they are afraid and become coward when they have to deal with the boss. I was thinking, if we proceed to do this scene, maybe we can have Sammy, Emily and Wawa as the witches and Zulaikha, as she had all the qualities of a good villain character, will be Hacate… (hahaha.. please don’t kill me, Zulaikha). It might be very interesting to scene almost of the group member acted together. But because of the time constrain, and some other difficulties, then we all decided to take act 1, scene 7which is more convenience to be recorded.
Just like what I said in the previous entry, in act 1, scene 7 it shows to the readers how women can be such powerful tools in influencing men’s decision. For me, that was the main issue for this play because if Macbeth was not being influenced by the wife, we might not have the other tragedies. Oh ya..And here want to add express my billions thanks to Ah Jun (Emily’s boyfriend) who had helped us recorded those scenes… to Alex ( who played main character and also the bidan terjun) and to all of my groups members… Actually everybody in this group has work together and gave the very best for this group, and I personally very enjoy working with them. Thank you so much guys…=)

hmmm... this is beautiful Hecate i guess..

and the beautiful witches

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