Monday, April 23, 2012

Act 1

Hello, just want to introduce myself. I am Siti Awatif Binti Hamzah. My part is act 1 in Macbeth.
In the beginning of act 1 scene 1, the three witches have gathered together to discuss when they will meet Macbeth. They try to convey something to Macbeth. Their prediction. In this act, Lady Macbeth instruct her husband on how to murder King Duncan, we can understand more about the characterization of Macbeth's wife. First and foremost, she is deceptive and manipulative. When she says, "To beguile the time, you must look the time," she is convincing her husband to not only murder the King but also deceive the King by pretending to be his loyal subject. Our group opinion is that she is actually using her husband to gain power. Lady Macbeth is the one who plan the murderer scene and told Macbeth to kill the King. Macbeth regret his action to kill the King.   

1 comment:

  1. Ok girl. Try not to re-tell because I already know the story. Your ACT is one of the most interesting ones. So you have to be responsible for it and think of ways to make others in the group experts in the Act also. Reflect! Wei Sam is on the right track!
