Friday, April 27, 2012

Frustration (ENTRY 1)

I bought Macbeth weeks ago before Miss Dzeelfa assigned us with the task of developing video. I started reading Act 1, Scene 1, Scene 2 and I gave up. I was fade up with the fact that I understood nothing. The explanations of words are at the left side and the original text is at the right side of the book. I had to look at the explanations each time I encountered words that I could not understand. The explanations did help but it was kind of annoying to stop reading and look for meanings. I went to SparkNotes and started reading the plot overview. I stopped there and did not proceed with my book. A few days later, which is today; before I created this post, I picked up the book again and started reading. I tried another strategy which was not looking at the meanings of words. I just continued reading even if I did not understand. I was trying to tolerate vagueness. It's one of the factors to become a better reader and I'm working on it. To be honest, I'm really slow in reading especially in Old English. So, I have decided to read few scenes and then I'll go for the explanations in SparkNotes. This is to ensure I understand the story and also so that I can work on the task assigned. From: Chong Wei Sam (151654)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is definitely a reflection. Finding ways to get into the text. Good. Remember to record everything.
