Friday, April 27, 2012

Frustration (ENTRY 1)

I bought Macbeth weeks ago before Miss Dzeelfa assigned us with the task of developing video. I started reading Act 1, Scene 1, Scene 2 and I gave up. I was fade up with the fact that I understood nothing. The explanations of words are at the left side and the original text is at the right side of the book. I had to look at the explanations each time I encountered words that I could not understand. The explanations did help but it was kind of annoying to stop reading and look for meanings. I went to SparkNotes and started reading the plot overview. I stopped there and did not proceed with my book. A few days later, which is today; before I created this post, I picked up the book again and started reading. I tried another strategy which was not looking at the meanings of words. I just continued reading even if I did not understand. I was trying to tolerate vagueness. It's one of the factors to become a better reader and I'm working on it. To be honest, I'm really slow in reading especially in Old English. So, I have decided to read few scenes and then I'll go for the explanations in SparkNotes. This is to ensure I understand the story and also so that I can work on the task assigned. From: Chong Wei Sam (151654)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Act 1

Hello, just want to introduce myself. I am Siti Awatif Binti Hamzah. My part is act 1 in Macbeth.
In the beginning of act 1 scene 1, the three witches have gathered together to discuss when they will meet Macbeth. They try to convey something to Macbeth. Their prediction. In this act, Lady Macbeth instruct her husband on how to murder King Duncan, we can understand more about the characterization of Macbeth's wife. First and foremost, she is deceptive and manipulative. When she says, "To beguile the time, you must look the time," she is convincing her husband to not only murder the King but also deceive the King by pretending to be his loyal subject. Our group opinion is that she is actually using her husband to gain power. Lady Macbeth is the one who plan the murderer scene and told Macbeth to kill the King. Macbeth regret his action to kill the King.   

Act 5, 11 Scenes

Assalamualaikum and hi...

For MacBeth assignment... I've already divided each Act to each of us. So, my part is Act 5 which has 11 scenes... 

In this act, what I can summarise is that, it is the end of MacBeth's life. The first scene starts with when the gentlewoman and the doctor are discussing about Lady MacBeth who is sleepwalking after her husband, Macbeth went to the battle. Then, there are a few names mentioned which are Lennox, Menteth, Cathness and Angus who want to kill MacBeth. Lennox, Menteth, Cathness and Angus are merging with Malcolm, Siward, and Macduff to attack Dunsinane where Macbeth's castle is situated. After that they are fighting among themselves then lastly, Malcolm fight with MacBeth and kill him. Finally the Scottish win. 

That's all I can summarise for this act... I hope I'm in the right track...

Thank you... =)



Testing, testing, 1,2,3.... 
